Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

           During this time, we learned more about the sacredness of sexual intimacy and the importance of delaying it until marriage. We expanded on the challenges and opportunities that sexual intimacy can bring to couples, and we discussed the education we can give to our children within the walls of our own home. We also talked about infidelity and faithfulness within marriage. In this post, I would like to briefly talk about all those topics, and give you good resources for you to expand on the ones of your interest.
            The need for intimacy (a relationship which involves love, affection, caring and deep attachment to a person) is a more fundamental need than the need for sex. And sex without intimacy is of little or no value. Casual sex fails to meet people’s intimacy needs, and in most of the cases it leaves people feeling more empty and lonely than they were before the experience. Because of this, the sacred powers of procreation are only to be employed between a man and a woman legally married. Thus, creating the opportunity of becoming one. Is a fact that most of the people believe that sex need to be an expression of an intimate relationship and that the emotional satisfaction of sex is strongly associated with being in a committed, exclusive relationship.
            Sexual relationships are different for the male and female, and this is something important that couples need to learn. A lot of times we are found in lack of correct information and appropriate education about sexuality. Depending on our backgrounds and own family cultures, we are less or more educated in this topic. Sometimes most of the education we have received has been focused in prevention, and the actual biological functions of the reproductive systems of our bodies. But there is more that we need to learn about sexuality. Husband and wife are to learn together. Sexuality within the marriage can be challenging. Couples often experience feelings of discomfort, unrealistic expectations, confusion, and sometimes are even damaged by pornography.  But sex can provide opportunities for selflessness, communication, agreement, and stronger love. A good book that I would recommend everyone to buy is called: “And They Were Not Ashamed” by Laura M. Brotherson.
Reading from good books can be a great tool for new and not so newly married couples that might or not be struggling with this aspect in their relationship. Sexuality, when done within marriage, at the right time and with the right person, can be one of the strongest and more unifying bounds a couple can experience. Together with this comes faithfulness. Sexual involvement not only has to be reserve for marriage, but also keep within the marriage. Infidelity is one of the most painful feelings a person can experience. Infidelity is not only when physical contact is involved, but begins way before that. A spouse can be unfaithful in thought, conversation, and feelings. To avoid infidelity, couples most build strong boundaries to help keep this sacred bound of marriage protected of harm. When a man and a woman commit to each other, they leave behind all other affairs and relationships that can interfere their relationship, this including parents, extended family, and friends. Those boundaries are to be talked to and applied in your own relationship.
            Now that we’ve talked more about sexual intimacy, I would like to point out the importance of an appropriate education on sexuality. Most of us feel like we have not been correctly educated. As we start having children, we need to teach them about this, in different times of their lives different things. I am not talking about teaching our little kids about sex to horrify them. I am talking about identifying the proper information at determined stages of life. What a kid in accountability age need to know, what a teenager need to know, or what young adult that is about to get married need to know. We as parents have the responsibility to teach our children and not send them to learn from the world in the streets. We can teach them correct principles of love, intimacy, and sexuality; the importance and power of those acts, and not only how to prevent them but why.
            I know that there is a lot more we can talk about this, but I would like to leave you with some links for you to expand.

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